Wednesday 9 September 2015

Back to pre-school...What's in the bag?

Billy is due to start pre-school again next week after 7 months off (his immune system couldn't cope with all the bugs that were going around at the start of the year) and I've had lots of time to search for things that will help his return go as smoothly as possible. Here are some of the items that I will be packing in his bag...

Ear protectors
Billy is really sensitive to sound and when he tried pre-school at the beginning of the year he got very anxious about how loud it was, especially the noise of the hand dryer that is in the toilets. I bought him some ear defenders from Amazon (Find them here.) and explained to him that I'll leave them in his bag so if it gets too noisy he can go and get them. Giving him this sense of control seems to have taken away some of the worries he's had about the noise when he goes back.

Allergy stickers
I got 'BEWARE I have allergies' stickers for trips or if the pre-school get any support staff in. I got these from Allergy Buddies (Find them here) who do a fantastic range of allergy alert clothing and accessories.  I was really impressed with how quickly these arrived, I thought I'd left it too late to order them before the start of pre-school but they arrived the day after my order was processed.

I bought some of the day time pants from the ERIC website (Find them here.) which are specifically designed for daytime accidents so that Billy wouldn't feel self conscious about wearing nappies. I was slightly concerned about the fit as the sizes go straight from 3-4 to 5-6, I chose age 5-6 and although they're slightly on the big side I'm glad I went with the bigger size.

Wipes and handgel
I'll provide pre-school with lots of wipes and handgel that is safe for Billy to use but they also know that his hands need washing regularly as it's obviously the best way to get rid of proteins and germs.

Snacks and drink
As Billy can't even eat fruit anymore I will put some homemade sweet and savoury biscuits in his bag and a flask of water.  (See earlier post for the sweet biscuit recipe).

Here's hoping everthing goes okay this time!

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